A collection of bite sized animations made in between bigger projects on the topic of dissolution and absorption. For these projects the focus was on experimentation.
The collection is called grab bag because the videos do not need to be viewed in their entirety or in any specific order and can be taken or left as seen fit by you!
Want started off as a material study of crêpe paper and water. I wanted to create a mask that would melt and stain the wearer. The form of the mask is an approximation of a japanese hannya mask, which is worn by jealous, resentful and angry spirits.
The video is an expression of my want to create in the face of lack of skill and motivation. At the time I was unsure of what I wanted to do, artistically and schoolwise. I found myself feeling resentful or jealous of others who had figured these things out themselves.
The music and sound effects are from artlist.io.
2021 // 0:52 min, short film, Premiere Pro // free time, 3 weeks

Inkling is a love letter to mushrooms in the form of a short film. My goal was to imitate the shaggy ink cap mushroom and its reproduction cycle, in which it dissolves itself into an inky black fluid to release its spores. This project is the predecessor of go home and served as inspiration for a few other mushroom themed pieces.
The music and sound effects are from artlist.io.
2022 // 2:00 min, short film, Premiere Pro // Propädeutikum - mentoriertes Projekt, 4 weeks

mushroom prototype

paint tests

different depictions of mushrooms

"breathing mushroom" prototype